Not Only News Service: Mr Gobinda Biswas, the well-known English language poet is highly felicitated in two recently held international poetry festivals in Guntur and Hyderabad. Mr. Biswas was honoured as an International English language poet for his two books of self-composed and original English poems named ‘The Sunny Poems’(86 poems) and ‘The Universal Poems’ (90 poems) on 21st September, 2018 in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh and on 24th September, 2018 in Hyderabad respectively .
It is reported that in Guntur the festival was held at J.K.C.College and it was organized by eminent poets Mr. P. Gopichand and Mrs. P.Nagasuseela. In Hyderabad it was held at P.V.Narasimha Rao Veterinary University and it was organized by famous poet Manthena Damodara Chary and Telangana Poetic Forum.
Sources said, in both the festivals so many poet across the world participated and they recited their own English poems. Two books of English poems were published in the festivals where were two poems of Mr Gobinda Biswas.
It is noteworthy that the poems of Mr Biswaws has been publishing in several online and print magazines and journals across the globe. His third book of English poems ‘The Eternal Poems’ (100 poems) will be published very soon.